On 07/01/2022 01:34, Robert Goldman wrote:

The old entry referred to the variable =org-link-mailto-program= which
was removed from org-mode almost eight years ago!  See org-mode commit

Unfortunately FAQ has a lot of obsolete recipes. Generally it is great when answers are updated with contemporary info. I have a couple of questions concerning your patch though.

diff --git a/org-faq.org b/org-faq.org

  The default function called is =browse-url=, which opens a mail
  composition buffer within Emacs. The type of buffer opened by
-browse-url depends on the setting of the variable =mail-user-agent=.
+=browse-url= depends on the setting of the variable =mail-user-agent=.

[[info:emacs#Browse-URL][info "(emacs) Browse-URL"]] link to the Emacs manual might be used. I am unsure however if it is really necessary.

+You can also change the function used to a different one.  For
+example, the following function (on MacOS) opens =mailto:= links in
+the =MailMate= program:
+#+begin_src elisp
+("mailto" :follow
It seems, `org-link-set-parameters' is missed. I am not an experienced emacs user, so my question may be naive. There is `browse-url-mailto-function' since Emacs-24.1 that should be called by `browse-url'. Is there a reason to avoid its customization instead?

+      (lambda
+        (path)
+        (shell-command
+         (format "open -a MailMate 'mailto:%s'" path))))

Shell commands require a lot of care otherwise they become an open door to security vulnerabilities. I am a linux user and I have tried a dialog application instead of real mailer for a test:

---- >8 ----
#+begin_src elisp :results silent
  "mailto" :follow
(format "zenity --info --no-markup --title 'org mailto: test' --text 'mailto:%s'" path))))

[[mailto:Hacker '`mktemp mailto-vulnerability.XXXXXX`' <h...@te.st>]]
---- 8< -----

Following the link (C-c C-o) caused creation of a file in the current directory.

Arguments to shell should be at least passed through `shell-quote-argument'. A better way is to use more verbose function that accepts arguments as a list and directly executes the binary without interpreting anything by shell.

Another problem that the command above blocked emacs session. I do not know a reliable way to launch a detached process from emacs. When someone adds a code that should perform such task, it usually suffers from a decade-old bug https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2009-07/msg00279.html Current code in `mailcup-view-mime' and in `org-open-file' suffers from at least three other problems: I do not know anything about first one besides that it is somehow related to compatibility, another one assumed to be rather rare, third one is that the process have to be killed on exiting from emacs.

So, I hope, `make-process' is better than `shell-command', but a specific application might make emacs CPU hungry.

A recipe having security issues, in my opinion, is worse than no example at all.

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