On 30/12/2021 15:00, Rudolf Adamkovič wrote:
#+property: header-args:bibtex+ :eval yes
Why do you set ":eval yes" explicitly for bibtex if you believe that it
should not be executed?
I suppose, the following may be considered as a complete example
suitable to compare behavior of `org-babel-execute-buffer' and export:
---- >8 ----
#+property: header-args:bibtex+ :exports none
Test file with =bibtex= (to tangle)
and =elisp= (to execute) code blocks.
#+begin_src bibtex :tangle yes
title = "Example"
#+begin_src elisp
(message "From elisp")
---- 8< ----
To solve the problem avoiding per-file configuration you can try
(setq org-babel-default-header-args:bibtex '((:eval . "no")))
Unsure if it should be default. Since LaTeX export is important part of
Org it is reasonable to expect that Org have some notion of BibTeX
allowing to avoid execution of such source blocks.
Currently there is no BibTeX babel backend, but some user might create
one that e.g. formats entries as some alternative to org-cite. Can
default header arguments cause a problem in such case?
Should some function a macro be provided to facilitate declaring
languages as data format (config files, JSON, YAML, etc.) rather than
executable source code?