Hi Nicolas, Tom, I just thought I’d do a little test to see what markup citations accept with org-element, and I’m not quite sure what to make of the results. I’d appreciate hearing your thoughts on the example below.
Let’s look at a strange citation. ┌──── │ [cite: @key *bold* text @@org:hey@@ and /italic/ and {{{macro()}}} and [fn:3] and │ <<target>> <2021-12-02 Thu> \latex and \alpha and a statscookie [3/7] src_lang{hi} │ s^{up} and s_{ub}] └──── Examining the interpretation of this citation with `org-element', the following inline elements / objects are recognised. ⁃ bold/italic/etc. (text markup elements) ⁃ latex fragment ⁃ super/subscript but most of the non-markup elements are not. ⁃ Export snippet ⁃ macro ⁃ footnote ⁃ target ⁃ timestamp ⁃ statistics cookie ⁃ inline source code All the best, Timothy