On Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 12:18 PM Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> wrote:

> > I type "As we have seen in section [[*Intro]]" (literally, I tend to
> > not use any keybindings or function to insert the link). This (the
> > "*Intro" inside double square brackets) is called an internal link to
> > headlines and they are a default feature of Org:
> Yes, but, what do you do, if you have a 10 header and each has 20
> subheaders. How do you remember all these names?

Seems like completion could help, either at point, or with completing-read?

I've been playing a bit with something using the latter, and it's not
alway so straightforward how to do this given the flexibility of org,
but here's what it looks like using the Emacs 28 grouping support and
Emacs 27 annotation support:



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