Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> writes:

> This looks like a bug in org-element-timestamp-parser
> Minimal reproducer:
> 1. Create an empty org file and open it
> 2. Yank the following string: "CLOCK: [2021-10-22 Fri 10:41]--[2021]"
> 3. M-: (org-element-at-point) <RET>

The attached is tentative fix for cases like the above.
It gets rid of the observed error, however I am not sure if the clock
line parser returns a reasonable value is such case. With the patch,
org-element-at-point returns

(clock (:status running
       (timestamp (
                  :type inactive
                  :raw-value "[2021-10-22 Fri 10:41]"
                  :year-start 2021 :month-start 10 :day-start 22
                  :hour-start 10 :minute-start 41 :year-end 2021
                  :month-end 10 :day-end 22 :hour-end 10 :minute-end 41
                  :begin 301 :end 323 :post-blank 0))
        :duration nil :begin 294 :end 331 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 294))

Should we consider the above CLOCK line as a valid running clock or
maybe it should be parsed as a paragraph?


>From 91749491eb95cf1088fbe5a479eb30816478dba7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Message-Id: <91749491eb95cf1088fbe5a479eb30816478dba7.1637670436.git.yanta...@gmail.com>
From: Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2021 20:25:41 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] org-element: Fix org-element-timestamp-parser for incomplete

* lisp/org-element.el (org-element-timestamp-parser): Use more strict
regexp to match second timestamp in timestamp--timestamp range.

Fixes https://list.orgmode.org/orgmode/87tuh88kjv.fsf@localhost/
 lisp/org-element.el | 4 +++-
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-element.el b/lisp/org-element.el
index b47fba9eb..b40ff2d33 100644
--- a/lisp/org-element.el
+++ b/lisp/org-element.el
@@ -3900,7 +3900,9 @@ (defun org-element-timestamp-parser ()
 	     (activep (eq (char-after) ?<))
-		(looking-at "\\([<[]\\(%%\\)?.*?\\)[]>]\\(?:--\\([<[].*?[]>]\\)\\)?")
+		(looking-at (concat "\\([<[]\\(%%\\)?.*?\\)[]>]\\(?:--\\("
+                                    org-ts-regexp-both
+                                    "\\)\\)?"))
 		(match-string-no-properties 0)))
 	     (date-start (match-string-no-properties 1))
 	     (date-end (match-string 3))

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