On 18/11/2021 05:44, Samuel Wales wrote:
i think i found it useful, long ago, when it was ok/tolerated to
change the var, and probably still, to /"do this"/ and /this,/.
D. Knuth in "The TeXbook" put punctuation outside of emphasized text, 
however he mentioned that accordingly to old manuals semicolon should be 
typed in the same font as previous word.
On 18/11/2021 19:25, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
I updated the patch dropping your last suggested sentence in the
docstring. I find it not very helpful for the user. We should either say
nothing (as in the patch) or give a concrete reference how to "achieve
the desired effect".
I just have never tried to add custom decorations, so it is difficult 
for me to express it by a concise phrase. I even do not know if the 
following recipe could be recommended

From other messages I had an impression that it is still possible to create custom markup with new marker but actually it was broken years ago: https://list.orgmode.org/orgmode/can9dxh2xwf+9ggcprpxfetfumecrxuhtyjdudayg0z49fpa...@mail.gmail.com/T/#u Bug: org-emphasis-alist not fully applied [9.1.1 (9.1.1-1-g80cbf9-elpa @ x:/folder/user/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20170918/)] 2017-09-19 4:16
It makes details of implementation less important.

To my taste fixed order of markers (:type list) is too rigid. If a user reordered a couple of items then multi-value customization form becomes single multiline input area. :set function might sort items, but I do not like such solution.
Since I have not found a way to improve customization interface with 
reasonable efforts, I believe that the patch is acceptable. It should be 
an improvement, but not an outstanding one.

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