On 12/11/2021 23:55, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:
On 12/11/2021 00:24, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
The original problem is likely due to the default header arguments in
ob-org.el, which are unusual.
It is great that the problem is solved. I do not think however that
inside ob-org.el may affect processing of a file before this package
is loaded.
If I export both, then all is well.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results value none :exports both
'((org . t)))
I feel that I have missed something. I do not see the purpose to
include this
source block in user docs. I expect that for accidental usage it is more
convenient to type (require 'ob-org), while as a permanent settings it is
possible to do customize-variable org-babel-load-languages or to use
The source block is included to show the user how to modify their .emacs.
My ~/.emacs.d/init.el has (among other variables)
'(org-babel-load-languages (quote ((emacs-lisp . t) (C . t) (python .
;; ...
I consider it better since it does not force immediate loading of Org if
emacs is launched for a file of different type. Before sending the
previous message I forgot to check Org manual. It recommends
`org-babel-do-load-language' and it looks more prominent than
customizing of the variable, however a more concise example is given a
bit below
(require 'ob-closure)
Additional feature of `org-babel-do-load-language' is that the function
can "unload" some languages, however it is not the case for
initialization. That is why I disputed recommending more complicated
example with `org-babel-do-load-language'. It is matter of taste however
even if current example has no less obvious advantages.
I was surprised that changing its :results header argument had an effect
on export.
Do you have an explanation why the header argument makes this difference
on Worg?
Worg build procedure is more close to defaults. Earlier I wrote that the
issue can be reproduced locally using "emacs -Q".
Actually it is reasonable that without explicit request, source blocks
are not executed during export. `org-babel-default-header-args' has
(:exports . "code"), so it is necessary to override default value to
execute the source block loading ob-org.
I was confused that build log contains a message related to evaluating
of some code ob-doc-sql.org without explicit overriding of :exports.
Likely it is caused by noweb option.