Here is the profiler report:


        4003  66% - command-execute
        4003  66%  - call-interactively
        3913  65%   - funcall-interactively
        3320  55%    - kill-buffer
        3318  55%     - org-persist-write-all-buffer
        3318  55%      - org-persist-write-all
        3318  55%       - if
        3318  55%        - let
        3318  55%         - while
        3318  55%          - let
        3318  55%           - if
        3318  55%            - progn
        3318  55%             - org-persist-write
        3318  55%              - if
        3318  55%               - save-current-buffer
        3318  55%                - let
        3097  51%                 - let
        3097  51%                  - if
        3097  51%                   - if
        3095  51%                    - progn
        3095  51%                     - let
        1799  29%                      - unwind-protect
        1799  29%                       - prog1
        1798  29%                        - save-current-buffer
         114   1%                         - write-region
         114   1%                          - select-safe-coding-system
          98   1%                           - find-auto-coding
          94   1%                              auto-coding-alist-lookup
           4   0%                              
          15   0%                           + find-coding-systems-region
        1290  21%                      - let
        1290  21%                       - unwind-protect
        1290  21%                        - prog1
        1289  21%                         - save-current-buffer
         182   3%                          - write-region
         182   3%                           - select-safe-coding-system
         155   2%                            - find-auto-coding
         154   2%                               auto-coding-alist-lookup
           1   0%                               
          26   0%                            + find-coding-systems-region
           6   0%                        if
         220   3%                 + org-persist--get-index
           2   0%     + valign--maybe-clean-advice
         592   9%    + counsel-M-x
           1   0%    + previous-line
          90   1%   + ivy-completing-read
         978  16% - youtube-dl--filter
         978  16%  - youtube-dl--redisplay
         585   9%   - youtube-dl--list-buffer
         585   9%    - youtube-dl-list-mode
         332   5%     - hl-line-mode
         332   5%      - add-hook
         332   5%       + sort
         165   2%     + special-mode
          88   1%     + run-mode-hooks
         393   6%   + youtube-dl-list-redisplay
         954  15% + ...
          40   0% + timer-event-handler
           9   0% + redisplay_internal (C function)
           9   0% + global-font-lock-mode-check-buffers
           5   0% + global-dash-fontify-mode-check-buffers
           3   0% + global-prettify-symbols-mode-check-buffers
           3   0% + yas-global-mode-check-buffers
           3   0% + global-atomic-chrome-edit-mode-check-buffers
           2   0% + global-edit-server-edit-mode-check-buffers
           2   0% + global-flycheck-mode-check-buffers
           2   0% + global-company-mode-check-buffers
           1   0% + org-pretty-tags-global-mode-check-buffers
           1   0% + magit-auto-revert-mode-check-buffers
           1   0% + emojify-update-visible-emojis-background-after-command
           1   0% + global-ligature-mode-check-buffers
           1   0% + global-emojify-mode-check-buffers
           1   0% + global-anzu-mode-check-buffers
           1   0% + mode-local-post-major-mode-change


Memory report:

  5,860,697,032  99% - ...
  5,860,697,032  99%  - org-persist-write-all
  5,860,697,032  99%   - if
  5,860,697,032  99%    - let
  5,860,697,032  99%     - while
  5,860,697,032  99%      - let
  5,860,697,032  99%       - if
  5,860,697,032  99%        - progn
  5,860,697,032  99%         - org-persist-write
  5,860,697,032  99%          - if
  5,860,697,032  99%           - save-current-buffer
  5,860,697,032  99%            - let
  5,671,666,312  96%             - let
  5,671,666,312  96%              - if
  5,671,666,312  96%               - if
  5,671,666,312  96%                - progn
  5,671,666,312  96%                 - let
  4,109,383,193  70%                  - unwind-protect
  4,109,383,193  70%                   - prog1
  4,109,383,193  70%                    - save-current-buffer
      4,825,178   0%                     - write-region
      4,792,442   0%                      + select-safe-coding-system
         32,736   0%                      + make-lock-file-name
         39,558   0%                     + prin1
  1,562,123,885  26%                  + let
         32,736   0%                  + if
         28,290   0%                    generate-new-buffer
    189,030,720   3%             - org-persist--get-index
    189,030,720   3%              - let*
    189,030,720   3%               + let
      5,807,484   0% + command-execute
      1,312,080   0% + redisplay_internal (C function)
         89,824   0% + youtube-dl--filter
          2,198   0% + timer-event-handler
             42   0% + #<compiled -0x2222a52d2f12599>


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[ stardiviner ]
       I try to make every word tell the meaning that I want to express.

       IRC(freenode): stardiviner, Matrix: stardiviner
       GPG: F09F650D7D674819892591401B5DF1C95AE89AC3

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