Am Freitag, dem 22.10.2021 um 08:16 +0200 schrieb Vincent Breton: > > On Oct 18, 2021, at 20:51, Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez > > <> > > wrote: > > I'm trying to generate the documentation > > ./org.texi:17579: TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack > > size=5000]. > Jean-Christophe Helary reported too the location of the source of > trouble identified by Takesi Ayanokoji. > > I think the trouble with "TeX capacity exceeded" is not a trouble with > "make doc", Emacs or Org. > Probably a trouble with make or TeX environment as for example the > size of available RAM. > I have already met that on Virtual machine with not enough memory for > compilation but just enough for installation of the OS.
I don't think so: I've increased the settings without a success. But I think I found the culprit: Line 17568 of org.texi reads: @kindex C-c C-x @ and @ starts a command, which leads to the stack overflow. Line 17568 of org.texi should read @kindex C-c C-x @@ witha doubled @ at the end of the line and after applying this change org.texi the documentation org.pdf can be generated without any error. > > On my system "make doc" generate an error but I found a temporary > solution to generate the documentation in PDF. > > 1) I start to make a git clone: > git clone > 2) I used make > cd org-mode > make cleanall > make all > 3) I generate the pdf files inside the doc directory without using > make file: > cd doc > makeinfo --pdf org.texi > makeinfo --pdf orgguide.texi > 4) You can find the files generated in > and in > > > > About "make doc": > "make doc" don't work on my environment: > "make info" and "make html" are working fine but "make pdf", a part of > "make doc", is not working on my environment. > > I reproduce below the error and I suppose there is something wrong > with the initial path: > > entering extended mode > (../../../org.t2d/pdf/src/org.texi) > * > ! Emergency stop. > <*> \input ../../../org.t2d/pdf/src/org.texi > > ! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced! > Transcript written on org.log. > Kind regards Jobst -- Prof. i.R. Dr. Jobst Hoffmann Fachhochschule Aachen Abt. Jülich Fachbereich 09 email: