Ypo <ypun...@gmail.com> writes: > I have a .bib file with references, and a .org file with annotations. Like: > ... > Could I write on the .bib file using the orgmode power? Something like > this could work as a .bib file, or is it a no-no?
M-x org-bibtex (you need a special format for Org headings). org-bibtex is a part of ol-bibtex.el. Also, I wrote a set of helpers to capture bibliographic data into Org mode headings: https://github.com/yantar92/org-capture-ref The format is something like: ******* DONE [#A] Nix [Scripta Materialia] (1998) Yielding and strain hardening of thin metal films on substrates :FLAGGED:BOOKMARK:article:ATTACH: SCHEDULED: <2021-03-08 Mon> :PROPERTIES: :TITLE: Yielding and strain hardening of thin metal films on substrates :BTYPE: article :AUTHOR: Nix, William D :JOURNAL: Scripta Materialia :VOLUME: 39 :NUMBER: 4-5 :PAGES: 545-554 :YEAR: 1998 :URL: https://scholar.googleusercontent.com/scholar.bib?q=info:sVHrZR2RlwsJ:scholar.google.com/&output=citation&scisdr=CgXarAaXEL216MPM490:AAGBfm0AAAAAYD3J-917MgTBuwvpZNL09BcZoHmF8au_&scisig=AAGBfm0AAAAAYD3J-ytYquMZbiTcC-Jxg3itxnjKSZfQ&scisf=4&ct=citation&cd=-1&hl=en :CREATED: [2021-03-02 Tue 13:25] :HOWPUBLISHED: Scholar.Googleusercontent :NOTE: Online; accessed 02 March 2021 :PUBLISHER: Pergamon :ID: 2c5b442a-c8fa-43d2-86f0-c160b496eb4d :Effort: 0:05 :SHOWFROMDATE: 2021-03-08 :END: #CLS #dislocation #misfit #theory - !! [2021-03-09 Tue] [[id:5cc9cea1-a023-4cc8-9753-277dc474850b][Pant Acta 2003]] showed that the hypothesised dislocation/misfit interaction does not actually happen (at least, in (111) FCC films) - Yet, the shape of the dislocation upon interaction with the misfit is still a "bump", thus general derivation by Nix is still not too terrible. *The Nix's model just overestimate the hardening* This headings exports to @article{2c5b442a-c8fa-43d2-86f0-c160b496eb4d, author={Nix, William D}, title={Yielding and strain hardening of thin metal films on substrates}, journal={Scripta Materialia}, year={1998}, volume={39}, number={4-5}, pages={545-554}, note={Online; accessed 02 March 2021} } Hope it helps. Best, Ihor