Hi Russel, > Do you have any examples of where this could shorten code in Org?
I don’t have any examples on hand, but Org is already rolling some compat code for old Emacs versions, and we’ve had issues where people have accidentally used functions which are “too new” (but a few years old, and so nobody picked it up till someone raised an issue). I can also personally recall times when I’ve had to refactor code to make it uglier and more verbose to avoid using newer functions. All of this is why I’m thinking this could be an interesting idea. > I believe it’s a tall order to add a dependency, but if it eliminates > large chunks of backward compatibility code then maybe that’s > something to consider. I think the way to do this would be as a “soft” dependency, i.e. not needed for anyone running a recent version of Emacs, but needed if you want to use Org with an old version of Emacs. Not sure how this would best be done, but if this were to be useful, this is how I’d imagine it working. All the best, Timothy