Hi Jeremie,

Many thanks for bringing this over the finish line! I'm very glad it
made it into Org 9.5.

All the tests passed on my end, and and I successfully ran a few async
R blocks without any issues.

I do have some suggestions for code style below. They apply to both the
original patch, as well as followup fixes that have been committed

> +(defconst ob-session-async-R-indicator "'ob_comint_async_R_%s_%s'")
> +
> +(defun ob-session-async-org-babel-R-evaluate-session

For consistency with the rest of ob-R.el, as well as with the async
functions in ob-python, I suggest using a prefix of
"org-babel-R-async-". So
"ob-session-async-org-babel-R-evaluate-session" would become
"org-babel-R-async-evaluate-session", etc.

> +(ert-deftest ob-session-async-R-simple-session-async-value ()

Again, for consistency I suggest renaming the test functions so they are
prefixed with "test-ob-R/". For example,
"ob-session-async-R-simple-session-async-value" could become
"test-ob-R/async-session-simple-value". This would also allow easily
running all the R tests using "BTEST_RE='.*ob-R.*' make test".

> +         (setq user-inject-src-param ess-inject-source)
>           (setq ess-eval-visibly nil)
> +         (setq  ess-inject-source 'function-and-buffer)
>           (ess-eval-buffer nil))
> -         (setq ess-eval-visibly tmp)
> +       (setq ess-eval-visibly tmp)
> +       (setq ess-inject-source user-inject-src-param)

Rather than using setq, it would be better to let bind these like so:

(let ((ess-eval-visibly nil)
      (ess-inject-source 'function-and-buffer))
   ...code in here...

This temporarily sets the variables within the let-block, then resets
them to their original values afterwards. Then you can also remove the
temporary variables "user-inject-src-param" and "ess-eval-visibly-tmp"
as well as their defvars at the top of the file.

Actually, since the code is already in a let-block, you can simply add
these variables to the existing let-statement.

> +           (list (format org-babel-R-write-object-command
> +                         (if row-names-p "TRUE" "FALSE")
> +                         (if column-names-p
> +                             (if row-names-p "NA" "TRUE")
> +                           "FALSE")
> +                         ".Last.value"
> +                         (org-babel-process-file-name tmp-file 'noquote))

Some parts of ob-session-async-org-babel-R-evaluate-session, such as
the above, are duplicated from org-babel-R-evaluate-session; it would
be good to reduce duplication by abstracting these out to separate

Thanks again for porting this, and for taking care of ob-R.el in

All the best,

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