On 02/10/2021 21:26, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:

Unfortunately I have no idea how to get Message-ID having a link to
particular message on lists.gnu.org without search by e.g. subject and

It can be parsed from the html.  Something like below (it is my
home-made parser, but I think the idea should be clear):

(org-capture-ref-set-bibtex-field :key (org-capture-ref-query-dom :tag 'form :tag 'input 
:attr '(name . "d") :attr 'value))

Thank you, Ihor. I did not expect such funny form of obfuscation. Since even author names are hidden in search results, I believed that message-id should be considered even more confidential to put it into page code.

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