>>> "MN" == Max Nikulin <maniku...@gmail.com> writes:

> On 29/09/2021 11:07, Timothy wrote:
>>> Any idea how to export checkboxes to odt?
>>> I mean not just simply having [ ] in the odt document but having them 
>>> translated as actual boxes.
>>> Either using latex ⊠
>>> or   UTF8 ☒
>> I’m wondering, would this be worth adding to ox-odt?

> LibreOffice has some object called "checkbox" that could be inserted
> using "Form Controls" toolbar. I have never used this feature, so
> unsure whether it is a proper representation for Org checkboxes.

I should add, that I need to generate an odt document, in which checkboxes are 
placed in tables, a feature that is not supported by org mode as of today, 

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