Hi, I'm not sure if I'm reading the documentation properly, but my understnading is that I ought to be able to set export options as subtree properties, and that if I do so, they should be picked up by export engines when exporting subtrees. However, that doesn't see to be happening for me, and from what I can tell, `org-export-get-environment` is not overriding global values when passed the `subtreep` parameter.
I tried the following with emacs -Q , which seems to confirm my issue. Is this the expected behaviour, and if so, is there some other way for me to set subtree-level export options? -------------- ** subtree :PROPERTIES: :SUBTITLE: testing :REVEAL_TITLE_SLIDE: nil :HTML_CONTAINER: section :END: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (let ((info (org-export-get-environment 'html t))) (string-join `(,(plist-get info :subtitle) ,(plist-get info :html-container)) "\n") ) #+end_src #+RESULTS: : : div -------------------------- thanks as always!