Tom Gillespie <> writes:

> Pinging on this to see if anyone can test it so that it can be merged.
> Tom

I agree with this patch.

Just to make clear the default behavior and the behavior that would
exist with this patch.

The current behavior

1. You have a code block C1 in a buffer B1.
2. You execute =org-babel-lob-ingest= on B1. This means that C1 now
exists in =org-babel-library-of-babel=.
3. You modify C1.
4. You tangle a code block C2 which includes a noweb reference to C1.
5. The version of =org-babel-library-of-babel= would be used instead of
the one from the current buffer.

The behavior that would be available is

(same steps)
5. The version of the current buffer is used instead.

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