* The issue

When setting org-id-link-to-org-use-id to t, an :ID: property is created
for each headline that contain at least one code block that is

* Reproducing this issue

1. Start emacs -Q

2. Open a "*.org" file at a location where you have write permissions
(this is because, apparently, tangling only works when the file is
correctly saved so this way we get rid of this possible issue)

3. Insert the following minimal working example into the buffer (you can
find the Org Mode file attached to this mail)

,* foo

,#+HEADER: :tangle ~/Downloads/main.txt
,#+BEGIN_SRC text

,* bar

,#+HEADER: :tangle ~/Downloads/main.txt
,#+BEGIN_SRC text

,* fizz

,#+BEGIN_SRC text

4. Execute the following commands

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(require 'org-id)
(setq org-id-link-to-org-use-id t)

5. Now, execute org-babel-tangle (C-c C-v C-t).

At this point, a id property is created for the "foo" and "bar"
headlines because those are the only headlines that contain a code
block. This is what I got in emacs -Q

,* foo
  :ID:       358560b4-2426-4d42-a498-ae16195daf3a

,#+HEADER: :tangle ~/Downloads/main.txt
,#+BEGIN_SRC text

,* bar
  :ID:       02217461-a744-42b2-b582-1a836568d686

,#+HEADER: :tangle ~/Downloads/main.txt
,#+BEGIN_SRC text

,* fizz

,#+BEGIN_SRC text

* Personal thoughts

In my opinion, this is undesired behavior because the goal of
org-id-link-to-org-use-id isn't creating an ID property for each
headline when performing tangling.

* Major undesired consequences

The following is an scenario in which this issue causes major undesired
consequences: Consider the following scenario

+ you have 1000 headlines in an Org Mode file

+ all of those headlines don't have an ID property (because you are not
  interested in uniquely identifying all of those headlines through an ID)
+ all of those headlines contain at least one code block that is tangled

Because of this issue, the following would be added for each headline

,* my headline
:ID: <<an auto-generated id>>

and this have the following undesired consequences

+ You would end up with 3000 lines in your Org Mode file because of the
  id properties even when you weren't interested in creating an ID for
  each of those headlines.
+ You would have 1000 more entries in org-id-locations-file (again, even
  where you weren't interested in creating an ID for each of those

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* foo

#+HEADER: :tangle ~/Downloads/main.txt
#+BEGIN_SRC text

* bar

#+HEADER: :tangle ~/Downloads/main.txt
#+BEGIN_SRC text

* fizz

#+BEGIN_SRC text

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