>>> "NG" == Nicolas Goaziou <m...@nicolasgoaziou.fr> writes:

> Hello,
> Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:

>>> The subject is wrong, I am still googling but don't understand why I
>>> cannot insert footnotes in all cells in a table.

> There was a bug with _empty_ cells.

>> It seems that the function org-footnote--allow-reference-p 
>> is the culprit

> Fixed. Thank you.

Hm I pull from 

git remote -v
origin  https://code.orgmode.org/bzg/org-mode.git (fetch)
origin  https://code.orgmode.org/bzg/org-mode.git (push)

So that is the old repository, no, because the latest commit is from 19
April, where do I find the real repository 


Still points out the one I use 

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