
> The patch removed this phrase.

sorry about that.

> I have no idea how to express it in a better way. The tables are same
> for Org >= 9.5 and for Org < 9.5 (modulo bugs in indentation fixed in
> 9.4.6).  Only default configuration evolves in time.

again, i apologize.  my confusion was in not having read the text to
understand that the "(Org >= 9.5)" was the default.  i assumed it meant,
"this is the behavior for Org >= 9.5", even though that meant the tables
really didn't make sense.  if you wanted to compensate for such a "user
feature" :), maybe remove "(Org >= 9.5)", and add that information as a
short "NB:" line after each table?

> Not being a native speaker, I would either leave it as is or would change
> all 3 phrases attempting to make their style more uniform.
> a. "do not indent anything",
>    "always indent relatively to the element above",
>    "indent just ~PROPERTIES/LOGBOOK~ drawers relatively
>    to the current heading level"
> b. "no special indentation",
>    "indentation of all elements is relative to the element above",
>    "only ~PROPERTIES/LOGBOOK~ drawers get indentation relative
>    to the current heading level"

sorry, i should have caught *both* "relatively".  i'd suggest

> a. "do not indent anything",
>    "always indent relative to the element above",
>    "indent just ~PROPERTIES/LOGBOOK~ drawers relative
>    to the current heading level"

which klings better to my ears.  (sadly, i can't explain any grammatical
reason why, though.)

cheers, Greg

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