Hi all, I would like to start a thread on this question, leaving some basic ideas and sketches of my own, in case someone else wanted to join the discussion.
I think it would be nice if Org Mode offered consistent support (out of the box) for multilingual documents. That is, those documents where there is a main language and it is possible to toggle between a list of others 'secondary' languages, in the LaTeX Babel way. Those documents could be consistently exported to other formats with multilingual support: LaTeX, of course, but also html, odt, etc. What is your opinion? I think Org documents should have three levels in multilingual management: - Short text segments, something like an 'inline block' for other languages - Blocks - Sections For short inline segments, IMHO and without the need to innovate, I think an excellent candidate are the links defined with org-link-set-parameters. For example: Lorem ipsum [[lang:de][some text in German]] dolor sit amet (For structures of this kind I found very interesting ideas here: https://github.com/alhassy/org-special-block-extras) As for blocks, I think of a hypothetical 'lang' block: #+begin_lang el :variant polytonic Some text in polytonic Greek... #+end_lang However, in a previous thread (https://orgmode.org/list/87k0og8fss....@list.aleks.bg/) Aleksandar Dimitrov proposed an idea that seemed very suggestive, at least in concept: add a ':lang' argument to the Org code blocks: #+begin_src org :lang fr Some text in french #+end_src And finally, for sections, you could think of a new property ':lang:' * Header :PROPERTIES: :LANG: pt :END: ... Best regards, Juan Manuel