Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> writes:

> Sorry, I cannot reproduce on my side using Emacs master, Emacs 27, and
> Emacs 25. I used the following recipe:
> 1. cd /path/to/org
> 2. make clean
> 3. make
> 4. emacs -Q -L ./lisp/ -l org -l /tmp/1.el ~/Org/inbox.org
> 5. M-x org-agenda < t
> 6. M-x org-todo on the first item selecting "NEXT" state
> 7. M-x org-agenda-redo-all
> The 1.el and inbox.org are attached.
> Can you try to reproduce using the same steps as I did?

I can't reproduce it using your steps and config. I compared the org
config differences. I'm using a different org keyword ONGOING, instead of

In fact, if I replace NEXT with ONGOING in 1.el, then I can reproduce
the issue. This is very strange..

After step 7, I can see it still shows ONGOING text in the agenda buffer,
but in the buffer inbox.org, it is been correctly prettified.


Attachment: 1.el
Description: application/emacs-lisp

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