Am 13.05.2021 um 23:33 schrieb Nicolas Goaziou:


   RULE is a triplet of symbols (PUNCT POSITION RELATIVE):

     PUNCT is the desired location of the punctuation with regards to the
     quotation, if any.  It may be `inside', `outside', or`strict', the latter
     meaning the punctuation should not be moved.

     POSITION is the desired location of the citation with regards to the
     quotation, if any.  It may be `inside' or `outside'.

     RELATIVE is the relative position of the citation with regards to the 
     punctuation.  It may be `after' or `before'.

   For example,

     (inside outside after) corresponds to American typography;
     (strict outside after) corresponds to German typography;
     (strict inside before) corresponds to French typography.
These things are not only language dependent, but depend also on the chosen citation style. E.g. with in-text styles you'll have (outside outside before) in German, and American typography, in French likely as well.
So, perhaps another setting:
#+type-of-citation-style: in-text
#+type-of-citation-style: note

And ideally this RULE should be configurable directly as well:
#+punct-moving-rule: strict inside before

   INFO is the export state, as a property list.

   Optional argument PUNCT is a list of punctuation marks to be considered.
   When nil, it includes the following: \".\" \",\" \";\" \":\" \"!\" and \"?\".

Here as well, it should be possible to configure these on a user level. Something like:
#+moved-punctuation: ,.?!



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