Bastien <> writes: > Indentation is quite sensitive: what do you think of setting a new > default value of nil for `org-adapt-indentation' in Org 9.5?
I think that makes sense. If the controversy over the electric-indent-mode change taught me anything, it's that a lot of people don't expect their Org files to be hard-indented, which I fully sympathize with (I personally soft-indent with org-indent-mode). I don't know whether the folks that protested over the change represent the majority of Org users, but FWIW: - That position sounds consistent with the Org files we see in the org-mode repo (where .dir-locals.el sets the variable to nil). - I expect that the resulting behaviour matches what users were used to: before Org 9.4, I imagine most folks would hit RET, get unindented text, and not think twice about it. People who preferred indentation would have had to go out of their way to get it, by always hitting TAB or C-j (which is the "dumb, unindented newline" in other modes which honor electric-indent-mode); I'd be surprised if many people worked this way[1]. 'headline-data sounds like a reasonable default too, although I think it still has some wrinkles[2]. Thanks for following up on this, and thanks again for your stewardship. [1] Although I'm glad to learn that the current state of affairs made at least one user happy 🙂 <s6mr6r$17cg$>$17cg$ [2] Typing "* headline RET" starts an indented line; further RETs keep point indented until I type in something, after which RET finally snaps back to column 0. I'd expect point to always land on column 0 when hitting RET after a headline, since "headline data" (e.g. :PROPERTIES:, :LOGBOOK:) will probably always be entered automatically via a command.