On May 8, 2009, at 10:37 AM, Jan Buchal wrote:
SR> Jan Buchal <buc...@brailcom.org> writes:
CD> On May 7, 2009, at 12:44 PM, Jan Buchal wrote:
"CD" == Carsten Dominik <carsten.domi...@gmail.com> writes:
CD> On May 7, 2009, at 11:38 AM, Jan Buchal wrote:
Hello again,
the problem is little bit complicate :-) I need <th> not in first
row only but by every column which contain the name of row. In
the attachment you can find the example
CD> That is currently not possible.
And is it possible fix it? From the point of view of accessibility
is a
CD> I would not call it a bug, it is a limitation. Org is not a
CD> HTML table editor, there are many things it cannot do,
CD> column and row spanning, multiline fields, you name it.
Unfortunately it is a bug. See please WCAG documentation.
SR> It's not. It's just something not implemented.
Aha, do you use a screen reader? :-) I bellieve that from your point
view is something what is not implemented only. You don't need it.
Please try close your eye on one week and work with computer. :-) If
application has missing accessibility features then is a bug.
Hi Jan,
while I can imagine the constant frustration that people with
accessibility requirements have to face when working in a
world designed without disabilities in mind, I still would
like to disagree.
A bug is something that does not work "as advertised", a feature
that is claimed to be present and working well, but actually is
not present or broken.
Org does not claim to be fully accessible - even though it
is (in connection with Emacs speak) probably a lot more
accessible for blind people than almost any program out
there. And I will try to improve in this direction
where it makes sense - I just don't like my program to be called
buggy where it is not. :-)
- Carsten
Have a nice day
Jan Buchal
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