I have a goal: make a table in R using org-babel and have it appear in the latex export. I also want to be able to refer to the table by name in the org file and have that become a hypertext link in the latex export.
Using Org mode version 9.4.4 I build this document: <<begin>> #+NAME: t1 #+begin_src R :exports both library(tidyverse) x <- tribble(~a, ~b, 1, 3) x #+end_src #+CAPTION: Org Table #+RESULTS: t1 | 1 | 3 | I want to refer to Table [[t1]]. <<end>> What I expect: the latex export will include the table and link to it. What happens instead: the code and table appear, numbered and captioned. However, the link is broken ("I want to refer to Table ??"). Looking in the latex, this line reads > I want to refer to Table \ref{org993764c}. but that label org993764c appears nowhere else in the file. Org-lint doesn't complain about the file at all. I searched the archives and the intertubes, I don't see any discussion of this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. - JP -- James E. Powell, MS Pronouns: he/him/his Applied Physics PhD Candidate Department of Physics Portland State University Home page: http://web.pdx.edu/~powellj Office: SRTC 409B Phone: +1-503-725-8515