On 02/04/2021 18:23, Andreas Eder wrote:
On Do 01 Apr 2021 at 09:32, autofrettage wrote:
Please evaluate the design of Org Mode (and other things) without
putting a value on how similar it is to other things. A bicycle would
appear more familiar to a car driver if we replaced the handlebar with
a steering wheel, but it wouldn't make the bike any better.
If someones fingers cannot adjust, let him/her customise a bit.
I think, for a part of people in this thread another comparison is more
appropriate. Bike handlebars are quite specialized and each type of bike
has its own shape to be more convenient. And steering wheel is more
suitable when wider range of angles is required. Choices of characters
to denote code snippets are quite arbitrary. Imagine that you have to
drive at the right lane while you are around the office. But as soon as
you cross the river on your everyday trip to home, you have to stick to
the left side of the road... There is no apparent advantage or defect of
any of these rules. The mix is rather dangerous.
"Emacs everywhere" suggested in another message could be a rescue in
some cases. Unless original formatting is already broken by another
external tool.
Customization becames a pain when communication is involved.
OK, what might be a reason why org does not use backticks is that
backticks around lisp expressions could be confusing.