On 2021-03-31, at 21:19, Timothy <tecos...@gmail.com> wrote:

> autofrettage <autofrett...@protonmail.ch> writes:
>> Quick and Dirty: Bind key '`' to ~ in Emacs?

My first thought exactly.  And I'd definitely use it - I need to use
Markdown more often than I'd like to (chat, wikis, (cloud-based) task
management system...).

>> (I guess it is clear I haven't thought about the consequences.)
> You can add that just to the Org-mode map. That wouldn't be too bad,
> there's always C-q.

and you can also make it that pressing the backtick /twice/ yields
a normal backtick (and that can be actually coded in more than one
way).  Or, you can make /three/ backticks in a row enter a src block
(which would be even more Markdown-y).


Marcin Borkowski

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