Hello! The default value of org-src-lang-modes contains ("bash" . sh), meaning that for bash src blocks sh-mode gets used.
sh-mode supports many different languages (bash, zsh, dash, ...). Often, when opening a file for which sh-mode gets activated, there is enough information for sh-mode to determine the language that actually is used in the file, e.g., by a shebang, or by the suffix of the filename. However, that usually does not work with Org src blocks. When sh-mode has no clues, it in effect always uses the language determined by the SHELL environment variable (at least on POSIX-conformant systems). If that is not something like /bin/bash then sh-mode is not a bash mode. E.g., with SHELL=/bin/zsh opening an edit buffer for #+BEGIN_SRC bash #+END_SRC yields a buffer with the buffer-local variable sh-shell set to zsh instead of bash, i.e., sh-shell is a zsh mode. This can be fixed by defining something like (defun org-babel-bash-mode () (sh-mode) (sh-set-shell "bash")) and having ("bash" . org-babel-bash) in the default value of org-src-lang-mode. Best wishes Sebastian