On 19/01/2021 08:53, Christopher Miles wrote:

For this problem, do you have any workable solution patch?

Maybe for a while it is better to avoid xdg-open or other handlers that launch actual viewers in background. E.g. to replace xdg-open with actual handlers in mailcap.

I attach a draft patch that just demonstrates my intention to use make-process. It intentionally does not use shell to run the command and such change could be breaking for some part of users. I have not tested if regexp substitutions for org-file-apps entries are not broken.

In kubuntu-18.04 I do not have any xdg-open entries in the system mailcap file. Even if I add such line to the user's file, I could not reproduce the problem with any of the real handler configured for the image/png type and launched by xdg-open: geeqie, gwenview, feh. I have no idea concerning the reason: older xdg-open version, other code working in xdg-open for kde desktop, or limited resources allocated to qemu virtual machine with ubuntu-20.04 where I can reproduce the problem.
diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index 5b1443c4e..299f39949 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -8743,29 +8743,34 @@ If the file does not exist, throw an error."
      ((and (stringp cmd) (not (string-match "^\\s-*$" cmd)))
       ;; Remove quotes around the file name - we'll use shell-quote-argument.
-      (while (string-match "['\"]%s['\"]" cmd)
-	(setq cmd (replace-match "%s" t t cmd)))
-      (setq cmd (replace-regexp-in-string
-		 "%s"
-		 (shell-quote-argument (convert-standard-filename file))
-		 cmd
-		 nil t))
-      ;; Replace "%1", "%2" etc. in command with group matches from regex
-      (save-match-data
-	(let ((match-index 1)
-	      (number-of-groups (- (/ (length link-match-data) 2) 1)))
-	  (set-match-data link-match-data)
-	  (while (<= match-index number-of-groups)
-	    (let ((regex (concat "%" (number-to-string match-index)))
-		  (replace-with (match-string match-index dlink)))
-	      (while (string-match regex cmd)
-		(setq cmd (replace-match replace-with t t cmd))))
-	    (setq match-index (+ match-index 1)))))
-      (save-window-excursion
-	(message "Running %s...done" cmd)
-	(start-process-shell-command cmd nil cmd)
+      (let* ((command (split-string-and-unquote cmd))
+	     (command (mapcar (lambda (arg)
+				(while (string-match "['\"]%s['\"]" arg)
+				       (setq arg (replace-match "%s" t t arg)))
+				arg)
+			      command)))
+	;; Replace "%1", "%2" etc. in command with group matches from regex
+	(save-match-data
+	  (let ((match-index 1)
+		(number-of-groups (- (/ (length link-match-data) 2) 1)))
+	    (set-match-data link-match-data)
+	    (while (<= match-index number-of-groups)
+		   (let ((regex (concat "%" (number-to-string match-index)))
+			 (replace-with (match-string match-index dlink)))
+		     (setq command
+			   (mapcar (lambda (arg)
+				     (while (string-match regex arg)
+					    (setq arg (replace-match replace-with t t arg)))
+				     arg)
+				   command)))
+		   (setq match-index (+ match-index 1)))))
+	(setq command (mapcar (lambda (arg) (format-spec arg (list (cons ?s file)))) command))
+	(save-window-excursion
+	  (message "Running %S...done" command)
+	  (make-process :name "org-open-file" :connection-type 'pipe
+			:buffer "*Messages*"
+			:filter (lambda (proc string) (message "org-open-file: %s" string))
+			:noquery 't :command command))
 	(and (boundp 'org-wait) (numberp org-wait) (sit-for org-wait))))
      ((or (stringp cmd)
 	  (eq cmd 'emacs))

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