On 2020-12-20, TEC wrote:

> Jens Lechtenboerger <lech...@wi.uni-muenster.de> writes:
>>> For people who want to customise this to add metadata, the page title is
>>> something they're probably interested in.
>> What metadata would you derive from the title?
> In my earlier example, I use the "og:title" property.

I see.  Maybe the doc string could explain such a use case?

(I do not understand the benefit of adding that redundantly to an
HTML page, but that is not our topic here.)

>>> If so, I think it's work giving the title processed by
>>> org-html--build-meta-info as it's not so simple as
>>> (plist-get info :title).
>> Extracting it from ~info~ might be more flexible as it would not be
>> tied to the current implementation.
> My thoughts are just that its seems like title/author may be handy, and
> we've already worked those out, so why not just pass them along?
> Could probably reduce to just info, not sure what's best though.

My personal view: If those attributes are present in the default
value, they should be used or their use should at least be explained.

> Other than this, is there anything else you think might be worth
> considering before merging?

No suggestions from my side.  Thank you for your work!

Best wishes

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