wrote: >> >> See org-agenda-time-grid >> > >> > Where can I find some information on how to use it?
>> Menu help -> Describe -> Describe variable org-agenda-time-grid <RET> >> or >> <F1> v org-agenda-time-grid <RET> > At first > I have started with the following command, but emacs does not like it > (setq times '(800 1000 1200)) > (setq freq '("daily" "today")) > (setq org-agenda-time-grid '(freq times "---" "+++")) > I also tried variants thereof. My elisp is not so good > but tried to have a look at the code. > […] The last line means: Set the variable org-agenda-time-grid to a list that consists of the symbol (!) "freq", the sym- bol "times", the string "---" and the string "+++". How- ever, you want the first and second elements to be the val- ues of those variables, so you could say: | (setq org-agenda-time-grid `(,freq ,times "---" "+++")) or: | (setq org-agenda-time-grid (list freq times "---" "+++")) (NB: There are more subtleties to this (e. g., a symbol can have separate meanings as a variable and a function (and I really should finally read the elisp info file from begin- ning to end :-)))), but my most common mistake is either to quote something that I do not want to quote or not quote something that I do want to quote.) Tim