* daniela-s...@gmx.it <daniela-s...@gmx.it> [2020-11-29 02:30]: > > What you see as a problem some see as a solution. For instance, it depends > > how many > > org-files you want to add to the agenda. Some users including me have 2 > > or three files in org-agenda-files so I never interact with this > > variable directly. > > I have many and they change quite frequently, depending on project. > So often torture emacs hard. Have sent a bug-report about it. Keen > for a change to go through.
You may customize any Emacs variables yourself. Just define your agenda files yourself in your init file. Then do: {M-x customize-variables RET org-agenda-files RET} and erase what you find there. Anything before the `custom' section in your init file will be then defined by you and not by the built in system. In that case you should take care as user over time not to use org-agenda-file-to-front command as that would again start adding agend files to init file. Then just use your own settings. As long as you have your own settings hard coded you may erase the variable org-agenda-files