2020-11-27 Jean Louis wrote:
* Alan Schmitt [2020-11-27 11:15]:

https://github.com/fuxialexander/org-pdftools). There is also the
org-noter option (https://github.com/weirdNox/org-noter) to link
external annotations to pdfs.

Annotations are long time envisioned feature that is very poorly
implemented in any hyperdocument systems. Hypothes.is implement it for
WWW but WWW could be better designed to allow easier
annotations. Browsers are missing it all over.

A remark just to ensure that there is no confusion. PDF format has its own annotations that are saved inside the file (highlights, text notes, drawings). It is quite convenient to comment e.g. draft version of a paper. Another use case is working with a document on a tablet.

External annotations are certainly powerful but sometimes they are not an equivalent.

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