---------- Forwarded message ---------
Von: Kyle Meyer <k...@kyleam.com>
Date: So., 13. Sept. 2020 um 17:09 Uhr
Subject: Re: how to remove automatically an intermediate odt-File
To: <r.th...@uni-jena.de>

Hi Rainer,

Rainer Thiel writes:

> Thanks for the help, but I cannot get it right.  I am always getting
> the message «error: Unknown add-function location ‘org-odt-convert’».

org-odt-convert is defined in ox-odt, so if that library isn't loaded
yet, you'll need to explicitly load it before that snippet:

    (require 'ox-odt)

Or you could use eval-after-load, as in the next snippet.

> Where exactly do I have to place this code snippet?  I am sorry should
> I be overlooking something obvious.

Anywhere in your Emacs customization should do.  If you wanted to avoid
loading ox-odt at startup, you do something like this:

    (eval-after-load 'ox-odt
      '(advice-add 'org-odt-convert :after
                   (lambda (&optional in-file &rest _)
                     (when in-file
                       (delete-file in-file)))
                   '((name . "org-odt-convert--delete-in-file"))))

> Thank you very much again,

Happy to help, but in the future please keep your replies on list.  That
(1) allows others to help and give feedback and (2) may help other
readers that had the same question as you.

Prof. Dr. Rainer Thiel
Institut für Altertumswissenschaften
07737 Jena, Germany (EU)

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