I configured my org-todo-keywords in a way, that they are just single
unicode symbols instead of the classic TODO, NEXT, WAIT, DONE,etc. This is
done in my init.el like this:

    (setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence "⭕(p)" "⸰(t)" "▶(n)" "⏸(w)" "|" "✔(d)" 
"❌(c)" "⏩(r)")))

This works perfectly, so I can advance the todo-states, choose them
directly, and filter on them in the agenda's todo-view, even org-edna,
which heavily relies on them works as designed.

While trying to use GTDs approach I defined a stuck project as one
having no next action meaning, having no subheading with a todo state of "▶"

    (setq org-stuck-projects '("project" ("▶" "NEXT") nil ""))

The 'NEXT' is used here only for validating the existence of a bug, originally 
it was
omitted in my config.

My projects look like this:

    ** ⭕ [3/4] Dame Edna                           :project:dame:...
    ** ⭕ [0/13] Example project: Garage Project    :project:garage:
     :COLUMNS:  %40ITEM %8Effort(Effort){:} %60BLOCKER
     :COOKIE_DATA: todo recursive
    *** ⸰ Find local stores for paint
    *** ⸰ Choose color for paint
    *** ⸰ Buy paint
    *** ⸰ Move car to nearby parking lot
    *** ⸰ Remove bikes
    *** ⸰ Remove stuff from shelves
    *** ⸰ Remove shelves
    *** ▶ Garage is empty
    *** ⸰ Paint walls and floor
    *** ⸰ Re-install shelves
    *** ⸰ Bring back bikes into garage
    *** ⸰ Bring back car into garage
    *** ⸰ Celebrate and close project

Both of them contain a subheading with a todo state of "▶" which should prevent 
them from
showing up in the stuck projects agenda view. However, they both appear

    List of stuck projects: 
      ops:        ⭕ [3/4] Dame Edna                               :project:dame:
      ops:        ⭕ [0/13] Example project: Garage Project        

I suspected the problem to be with the excluded todo-state beeing a
unicode symbol, so I tried to substitute it with the classical 'NEXT',
so it now showed like this:

    ** ⭕ [3/4] Dame Edna                           :project:dame:
    ** ⭕ [0/13] Example project: Garage Project    :project:garage:
     :COLUMNS:  %40ITEM %8Effort(Effort){:} %60BLOCKER
     :COOKIE_DATA: todo recursive
    *** ⸰ Find local stores for paint
    *** ⸰ Choose color for paint
    *** ⸰ Buy paint
    *** ⸰ Move car to nearby parking lot
    *** ⸰ Remove bikes
    *** ⸰ Remove stuff from shelves
    *** ⸰ Remove shelves
    *** NEXT Garage is empty
    *** ⸰ Paint walls and floor
    *** ⸰ Re-install shelves
    *** ⸰ Bring back bikes into garage
    *** ⸰ Bring back car into garage
    *** ⸰ Celebrate and close project

And now the Garage project is successfully removed from the stuck
projects, because it contains a NEXT at the position of the todo
keyword, despite the fact, that NEXT is not even defined as a valid todo

Looks like in this place there is some simple string comparison magic 
happening, that
can't handle unicode, instead of usage of the defined org-todo-keywords


Emacs  : GNU Emacs 27.1 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.24.32)
 of 2020-08-12
Package: Org mode version 9.3.6 (9.3.6-4-gdfa7a3-elpa @ 

current state:
 org-todo-keywords '((sequence "⭕(p)" "⸰(t)" "▶(n)"
                                          "⏸(w)" "|" "✔(d)" "❌(c)" "⏩(r)")
 org-stuck-projects '("project" ("▶" "NEXT") nil "")
 org-use-property-inheritance t
 org-tags-exclude-from-inheritance '("crypt" "project")

 org-agenda-files '("~/cloud/org/ops.org")
 org-closed-keep-when-no-todo t

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