
On 2020-06-12 16:01, Eric S Fraga <e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk> writes:

> The snippet from the OP will collate all three LaTeX header lines into a
> single line on export, which is expected in terms of org's
> behaviour.  This appears to cause problems with LaTeX, which is maybe
> expected or not; I don't know what LaTeX expects when working in @
> letter mode as I've seldom (if ever?) had to redefine @ variables.

This is the crux of the issue: there does not seem to be any way to
generate a multi-line header. And this causes problems with LaTeX.

There are two workarounds for this that I know of: put the latex in some
other file and \input it, or use a dedicated file and use multiple
#+LATEX_HEADER. I ended up doing it that way.



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