Hi Tory,

thanks for reporting this here.

torys.ander...@gmail.com (Tory S. Anderson) writes:

> Per alphapapa's suggestion to bring this up to this list, it seems
> that everyone (doom, spacemacs, and individuals) are rolling their own
> of a functionality that should be included in core: the ability to
> de-linkify text at point, leaving just the text without orgmode
> surroundings. One person claims it's already in there, but I don't see
> anything like =clip-link= in the actual code from
> https://code.orgmode.org/bzg/org-mode/src/master/lisp.
> Discussion happening here:
> https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/gjm8q6/delinking_orgmode_text/

So IIUC the need is to easily remove the link part of a link.

I pushed a change to make this easier.  Now you can hit `C-c C-l' on
a link, empty the link part, keep the description and RET to get only
the description inserted as non-link text.

Let me know if this seems okay for you.

I'm copying Adam as he may comment on that too.


PS: In general, it is easier and faster for people who process emails
in this mailing list if you rephrase the problem so that we don't need
to check an external resource.


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