Hi All,

the Org date/time prompt does deliver the promise in the manual that we "start getting annoyed by pretty much any other way of entering a date/time out there". It has indeed become so for me, as the date/time prompt is very neat. But there is one place where input could be even shorter, which is time input.

Currently, time input mostly requires "hour colon minutes", thus a full time specification even when minutes are "00". And "mostly" because you can get away with that last part if you use am/pm convention (alas, I do not belong to those strange corners of the world). Besides, the colon is a shift-key in many common keyboard layouts (from a simple search, it seems to be so in British, American, US International, German, Spanish, and Portuguese layouts, it doesn't seem to be so for the French layout though).

So I'd like to suggest a simplification there, which is: a string in the format "hour h minute" (that's small caps letter "H"), but in which "hour h" would also be recognized as a full hour and "00" minutes presumed. The mnemonic is obvious for "hour", which works well for English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, not so much for German.

With this, we'd have some example inputs, and their respective results:

8h       -> 08:00
10h30    -> 10:30
18h      -> 18:00
9h-10h   -> 09:00-10:00
9h30-10h -> 09:30-10:00
14h+1h   -> 14:00-15:00

This would ease input in two ways. First, it presumes the minutes in full hours, thus dispensing with this typing. Considering full hours are a very common case for scheduling and appointments, that shortening should be significant. It is also one key shorter than the am/pm way for full hours, and two keys shorter for non full hours in the same case. Second, it is easier to type "h" than it is to type ":", it is easier to reach and it is not a shift-key, so the chord is gone too.

One corner case which will arise is if "zero hour" should also be presumed. Arguably midnight is not that common in most people's agenda, and could be either "0h" or "24h", so we should not really worry in shortening something like "midnight and thirty minutes" as "h30". But this is more tricky with duration specification, that is with "+". In this case minutes not comprising a full hour might well be common. So, how to specify an appointment starting at 10:00 that lasts 30 minutes? Some alternatives could be: "10h+0h30", "10h+h30", "10h+30m". On a first thought I like the last one better, but I'm really not sure what the best approach should be here.

Needless to say, current input conventions should not change. This is just thought as an additional way of inputting time, alongside the ones which already exist. I'm unaware of any use of "h" in the date/time prompt (or of "m", for that matter), so I presume this should be viable without conflicting with other currently recognized input forms.

That's the small suggestion I had to make for the date/time prompt. I guess, technically, this should be filed as "feature request". But it is just an idea I bring to your consideration, in the hope someone else here also likes it.


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