On 5/18/20 5:24 PM, Anthony Carrico wrote:
Does org-mode have an issue tracker, to keep track of which issues are
active, or is it just this mailing list?
I'm the OP here. My first post to this list generated a lot of feedback.
I'm not sure I have an opinion, it was an honest question, but I'd like
to summarize the replies:
1. The mailing list is a good way, perhaps the best way to manage
discussion threads, including threads about issues (bugs).
2. There isn't an issue tracker.
I think issue tracking could happen on a mailing list. If you tag an
issue's subject line with OPEN: or CLOSE:, a bot could mail a summary of
the OPEN: issues to the list periodically (in theory).
Given that the mailing list holds the issues, it would be nice if you
could import the mailing list into your client as a lump (maildir/mbox).
Currently you can only download it chunk by chunk, so it isn't really
practical for a newcomer to import the whole list to do research a new
issue before reporting it.
Anthony Carrico