I found when network is bad and slow, or the download file is big, the org-attach-url will suspend Emacs for a long time. User might have to cancel downloading, and start again later. I hope to make "org-attach-url" download file asynchronously. But function org-attach-attach hardcoded this function for 'url method. Here is a patch to make it into an option. So user can specify a custom function to download file. # ============================================================================== BTW, I'm wandering why function "url-retrieve" download file is not complete and failed. Bellowing code snippets are my try: Use function ~url-copy-file~ works fine: #+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no (url-copy-file "https://img1.doubanio.com/view/photo/s_ratio_poster/public/p2592521688.webp" (expand-file-name "~/kk.webp")) #+end_src I check out function ~url-copy-file~ implement, try to implement an async version like this: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun url-copy-file-asynchronous (url newname &optional ok-if-already-exists &rest _ignored) "Copy URL to NEWNAME. Both arguments must be strings. Signal a `file-already-exists' error if file NEWNAME already exists, unless a third argument OK-IF-ALREADY-EXISTS is supplied and non-nil. An integer as third argument means request confirmation if NEWNAME already exists." (and (file-exists-p newname) (or (not ok-if-already-exists) (and (integerp ok-if-already-exists) (not (yes-or-no-p (format "File %s already exists; copy to it anyway? " newname))))) (signal 'file-already-exists (list "File already exists" newname))) (let* ((buffer (or (url-retrieve url (lambda (&rest ignored))) (signal 'file-missing (list "Opening URL" "No such file or directory" url)))) (handle (with-current-buffer buffer (mm-dissect-buffer t)))) (let ((mm-attachment-file-modes (default-file-modes))) (mm-save-part-to-file handle newname)) (kill-buffer buffer) (mm-destroy-parts handle))) (put 'copy-file 'url-file-handlers #'url-copy-file-asynchronous) #+end_src #+begin_src emacs-lisp (url-copy-file-asynchronous "https://img1.doubanio.com/view/photo/s_ratio_poster/public/p2592521688.webp" (expand-file-name "~/kk.webp")) #+end_src But it download seems incomplete and failed. Don't know why. Also there are extra async libraries support download file asynchronously. Like "deferred", "async" etc. Those libraries can be used for user define their own functions. Is you have better idea, please tell me, thanks in advance. - -- [ stardiviner ] I try to make every word tell the meaning that I want to express. Blog: https://stardiviner.github.io/ IRC(freenode): stardiviner, Matrix: stardiviner GPG: F09F650D7D674819892591401B5DF1C95AE89AC3 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQFIBAEBCAAyFiEE8J9lDX1nSBmJJZFAG13xyVromsMFAl6phdUUHG51bWJjaGls ZEBnbWFpbC5jb20ACgkQG13xyVromsNswQgAjuFtM/+WU0EXdpQOx3C4kymgUTex jEZgw96JlfHSP3JcoOuA5Ll2F+nXShWwIeGJAe1aRgjLTy9O5XSZO6BdlxoN2QRB RfrZvl5X5cJu9NIyiwhSYbIMM8+DJKHSp/nBGIimXwDoNU/ye43E4OmApVKfWjf0 TmMXUzLnXWSxdSubFe/M7SEGUaarFI5y2bNwytBMOQr7q1yY6UgynlB6Vda06mqb BO/AnJgYtP69XvghK14NJ6/X8nol5oFijLtt67QUNKBCdUlp3tx/G+6lFebGruHS kZ6PjTzoAwZOk5l7lTx9mG+dle1g/7rNce1TRVFP+cT1+qS5+7UHhwfnwg== =pYDj -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----