Hello John, sorry for the cryptic subject but I was unable to come up with something better. I am revamping my workflow to take notes about articles I read or that I save to be read later and I decided to explore if org-ref and the related utility packages fit what I would like to be able to do.
org-ref offers quite a few very useful facilities, however, I would like an interface to add new entries to the bibliography more similar to org-capture: I would like to have a command that asks for an identifier (for example a URL, a DOI, an arXiv id) and pops up a buffer with a populated bibtex entry that can be verified and amended before being appended to a bibtex file (for example add some keywords). I think most of the building blocks are there, but before starting to hack something together myself I wanted to check if this functionality is already there and I missed it, and if it would be interesting to add it to the functionality shipped with org-ref. Of course, any hint on how to implement this effectively is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Cheers, Dan