> I think supporting "#+begin_src elisp" would be confusing elisp is already supported in all other babel functions. org-babel-load-file is the only function that makes a distinction as far as I can tell. And since that function is outlier it makes sense to document this limitation in its docstring.
Or even better would be to detect if the user had elisp blocks and throw and error. Though I am not sure how to do that outside of seeing if tangling elisp is successful. -Troy Hinckley On Feb 3, 2020, 12:23 PM -0700, Bastien <b...@gnu.org>, wrote: Hi Troy, I tracked down an issue trying to load a literate config file. org-babel-load-file calls org-babel-tangle-file with lang set to "emacs-lisp". This means that it won't tangle any blocks with language set to "elisp", which is equivalent. I can't think of an easy way to fix this since you would need to target both languages. Maybe at very least we could add something to the doc string to draw attention to this limitation. I think supporting "#+begin_src elisp" would be confusing but I agree we could give a hint somewhere about this. Can you suggest which docstring should be updated and how? Thanks, -- Bastien