
Bastien <b...@gnu.org> writes:

> Nicolas Goaziou <m...@nicolasgoaziou.fr> writes:
>> TINYCHANGE is only about the number of non-trivial lines of code in
>> your patch (15 or so).
> I would not say "non-trivial lines" of code.
> The change should be less *than 15 lines or so* to be accepted.
> I may be wrong, but this is how I read this:
> https://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/maintain.html

I disagree. As stated in this page, only lines of code significant
copyright-wise count.

Commenting a line of code, changing indentation (e.g., when you wrap
a `let') do not count. You cannot copyright an indentation change. Nor
a symbol renaming (this example is even given in the page above). Also,
applying the same change multiple times may count /at most/ once.

So, I stand on my ground: there is a "non-trivial" part to take into
consideration when counting locs.

I would go even further: when you transform a string regexp into a rx
regexp, there is no line to count, because there is no new idea to
copyright in the first place. This is a trivial change.

Anyway, I think arguing here is just wasting our time.


Nicolas Goaziou

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