Gustav Wikström <> writes:
> Hi, > >> -----Original Message----- >> From: Emacs-orgmode <> On >> Behalf Of stardiviner >> Sent: den 13 januari 2020 14:42 >> To: >> Subject: Re: [O] FW: [RFC] Link-type for attachments, more attach options >> >> >> I found when I set option ~(setq org-attach-store-link-p t)~. Then attach >> a file, store file link with =[C-c C-l]=. The stored link. I open this >> link got error "No such file: ....". I tested this with minimal Emacs >> config. confirmed this problem. >> > > I cannot reproduce this. In my try with a minimal Emacs (emacs -q) and with > only that single customization it works for me. I'm testing it in linux. A > wild guess.. Could it be that you used the move operation instead of the copy > operation when attaching the file? > > Regards > Gustav Did you reproduce this issue with =emacs -q= ? That is a built-in Org Mode version which does not contains the latest version =org-attach.el=. Here is my minimal Emacs config: #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "~/.config/emacs/minimal-init.el" (package-initialize) ;;; add my init files directory (add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/") (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "init" user-emacs-directory)) ;; recursively load init files. (let ((default-directory (expand-file-name "init" user-emacs-directory))) (setq load-path (append (let ((load-path (copy-sequence load-path))) ; shadow (append (copy-sequence (normal-top-level-add-to-load-path '("."))) (normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path))) load-path))) (setq load-prefer-newer t) ;;; [ package.el ] -- Emacs Lisp Package Archive (ELPA) (require 'package) (setq package-enable-at-startup nil) (setq package-menu-async t) (setq package-user-dir (expand-file-name "elpa" user-emacs-directory)) ;;; ELPA Mirrors ;; (setq-default package-archives ;; '(("gnu" . "") ;; ("melpa" . "") ;; ("melpa-stable" . "") ;; ("marmalade" . "") ;; ("org" . ""))) (setq-default package-archives '(("melpa" . "") ("org" . "") ("gnu" . ""))) (let* ((elpa-archives-dir (expand-file-name "elpa/archives/" user-emacs-directory)) (elpa-gnu-archives-dir (concat elpa-archives-dir "gnu")) (elpa-melpa-archives-dir (concat elpa-archives-dir "melpa")) (elpa-org-archives-dir (concat elpa-archives-dir "org"))) (unless (and (file-exists-p elpa-gnu-archives-dir) (file-exists-p elpa-melpa-archives-dir) (file-exists-p elpa-org-archives-dir)) (package-refresh-contents))) (package-initialize) (add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist '("^\\*package-build-result\\*" (display-buffer-reuse-window display-buffer-below-selected))) ;;; Load `use-package' ahead before `package-initialize' for (use-package org :pin manual ...). ;;; [ use-package ] (unless (package-installed-p 'use-package) (package-refresh-contents) (package-install 'use-package)) (eval-when-compile (require 'use-package)) (require 'bind-key) ; if you use any `:bind' variant (use-package delight ; if you use `:delight' :ensure t) ;; (use-package deminish ; if you use `:diminish' ;; :ensure t) (setq use-package-verbose t ; 'debug: any evaluation errors report to `*use-package*` buffer. use-package-always-ensure nil) ;;; use latest source code version Org Mode. (if (not (file-exists-p "~/Code/Emacs/org-mode/lisp/")) (progn (use-package org :pin org :ensure t :preface (setq org-modules nil) :mode (("\\.org\\'" . org-mode))) (use-package org-plus-contrib :pin org :ensure t)) ;; disable Emacs built-in Org Mode (delete (format "/usr/local/share/emacs/%s/lisp/org" emacs-version) load-path) (delete "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/org/" load-path) (use-package org :pin manual :load-path "~/Code/Emacs/org-mode/lisp/" :defer t :preface ;; Org Mode modules -- modules that should always be loaded together with org.el. ;; t: greedy load all modules. ;; nil: disable all extra org-mode modules to speed-up Org-mode file opening. (setq org-modules nil) :mode (("\\.org\\'" . org-mode)) :init ;; add source code version Org-mode Info into Emacs. (with-eval-after-load 'info (add-to-list 'Info-directory-list "~/Code/Emacs/org-mode/doc/") (info-initialize)) ;; load org before using some Org settings. (require 'org) (use-package org-plus-contrib :pin manual :load-path "~/Code/Emacs/org-mode/contrib/lisp/" :defer t :no-require t))) ;;============================================================================== ;;; Here is org-attach.el customization (require 'org-attach) ;; store link auto with `org-store-link' using `file:' link type or `attachment:' link type. (setq org-attach-store-link-p 'attached) (setq org-attach-dir-relative t) (setq org-attach-preferred-new-method 'ask) #+end_src #+begin_src sh :eval no emacs -q -l '~/.config/emacs/minimal-init.el' #+end_src -- [ stardiviner ] I try to make every word tell the meaning what I want to express. Blog: IRC(freenode): stardiviner, Matrix: stardiviner GPG: F09F650D7D674819892591401B5DF1C95AE89AC3