On Tuesday, 17 Dec 2019 at 06:28, Jack Kamm wrote: > Basically, when org-src-window-setup is current-window, it never makes > sense to restore the original layout. But when org-src-window-setup is > reorganize-frame (the default), it always makes sense to restore the > original layout.
This makes sense to me. While we're talking about org-src-window-setup, I set it to 'split-window-right on my large monitor. Sometimes, I make the src window full frame but then, when trying to go back to the org buffer (C-c '), I get the error: delete-window: Attempt to delete minibuffer or sole ordinary window This would be fixed if the original layout were restored instead of simply deleting the src window, I guess. -- Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50, Org release_9.3-34-g2eee3c