On Mar 31, 2009, at 9:53 PM, Daniel Clemente wrote:

El dl, mar 30 2009, Carsten Dominik va escriure:

I simply cannot believe that after all those years, we might be
able to close this task.

 Wow, that's wonderful! Thanks for a so easy solution.
 I was needing this functionality since a long time.

 About org-inlinetask-export:

| Documentation:
| What should be done with inlinetasks upon export?
| Possible values:
| nil            Remove entirely
| arrow          Insert heading in bold, preceeded by an arrow
| arrow+content  Insert arrow and headline, add content below in an
|                #+begin_example box (ugly, but works for now)

Could you add that the „Remove entirely“ means „Remove entirely ... just the header (but not the content)“?

The "content" of an inline task is not the text up to the next heading,
it usually is empty.

However, I have implemented a hackers solution, so that you can do

***************** TODO my inline task
                  This is considered to be "content" of the
                  inline task, up to this line:
***************** END

I will make this clearer in the docs, the file header of
org-inlinetask.el does describe this.

- Carsten

-- Daniel

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