On Wednesday, 30 Oct 2019 at 15:21, alain.coch...@unistra.fr wrote:
> Hello.
> By default, the width of LaTeX exported inlinetasks is less than that
> of regular text.
> I would like to be able to change this default, ideally both on a
> per-file basis and a per-inlinetask basis (but either way would
> already very good!).
> Despite some Internet searching, I could not find a way. I am aware of
> org-latex-format-inlinetask-function, but I don't know how to use
> it...

I have the following which, although it does not do what you want, it
may give you some pointers:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (defun org-latex-format-inlinetask (todo type priority name tags contents 
    "Format an inline task element for LaTeX export."
    (let ((theinlinetask (concat todo " " name "\n\n\\noindent " contents)))
      (if (and todo (not (equal todo "NOTE")))
          (format "\\footnote{%s}\\marginpar{\\fbox{\\tiny\\thefootnote. %s}}" 
theinlinetask todo)
        (format "\\hl{%s}" contents))))
  (setq org-latex-format-inlinetask-function 'org-latex-format-inlinetask)

You can trim this down and replace the \\hl{%s} with, for instance, an
mdframed environment which allows you to control the width easily.

I will add that, for a number of reasons including advice from this
list, I have moved away from inline tasks almost completely and now use
drawers instead.

Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50, Org release_9.2.6-552-g8c5a78

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