Hi, I'm working on a Leanpub Markua exporter (not quite complete yet but already usable, if you are interested: https://github.com/zzamboni/ox-leanpub/tree/book-and-markua)
I would like to include the value of :noweb-ref for code blocks in exported output, like noweb originally did, e.g. something like this: #begin_src emacs_lisp :noweb-ref super-duper-code ... #end_src to produce something like this in the export: <<super-duper-code>>= ... After much poking around, I figured that the :noweb and :noweb-ref header args are removed by org-babel *before* the src block makes it to the exporter. I also discovered that by setting org-export-use-babel to nil I could disable this behavior, which means that my exporter can access the :noweb-ref argument by parsing the :parameters property (see https://github.com/zzamboni/ox-leanpub/blob/book-and-markua/ox-leanpub-markua.el#L388 ). This was good for my original purpose, but I just realized that this also disables other useful org-babel features on export, such as the processing of the :exports header argument, which means that both code and results are always included in the export regardless of what :exports says :) I have tried using org-babel-exp-code-template, but unfortunately if I try to use "%noweb-ref" as a key in its value, it gets replaced by the value of :noweb followed by "-ref" in every case. Is there some other way of accessing org-babel header arguments like :noweb-ref from the exporter, but without having to disable org-babel processing completely? Any other ideas for achieving what I want? Thanks for any ideas, --Diego