
I was trying to use the \lecture command in latex to structure my lecture.

As org-modeis not able to convert , say, first-level headlines into
\lecture statements, I placed the \lecture statement directly before
first level headlines. Unfortunately,in the resulting tex document, the
\end{frame} statement appears only after the \lecture statement. So, in
the resulting pdf, the information about a new lecture (which is created
from a \AtBeginLecture macro) appears as part of the last slide of the
previous lecture and not as a new frame.

1. What can I do in the org mode file in order to enforce ending the
  frame before the \lecture statement.
2. Would anybody be willing to implement \lecture and maybe \part in the

Thanks a lot

Martin Gürtler
          Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Gürtler
     Professur für Produktions- und Logistiksysteme
  H T W K Leipzig,  Fakultät Ingenieurwissenschaften
 Inst. f. Technologie und Produktion im Maschinenbau
             Tel. +49-341-3076 4129
     - Besucher -               - Post -
 Büro N234 (Nieper-Bau)     PF 30 11 66
 Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 134   04251 Leipzig
 04277 Leipzig

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