Hi Joseph,

Others have recommended ox-hugo already, and I can only second the
recommendation: https://ox-hugo.scripter.co

I use ox-hugo to maintain two blogs/websites (since ox-hugo can easily deal
with static pages as well, it can take over the whole content):
- https://zzamboni.org, you can see the source here:
- https://cf-learn.info, you can find the source here:

The workflow is like this:

org file -> ox-hugo export -> commit to github -> trigger Hugo build on
Netlify -> publish on Netlify

It works great for me. And Kaushal (ox-hugo's author) is here all the time,
which is an added bonus :)

Hope this helps,

On Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 12:06 AM Joseph Vidal-Rosset <
joseph.vidal.ros...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi the list,
> I would be glad to know what is, according to the majority, the best
> tool to blog with org-mode. I'm searching something simple to use and
> to install in order to blog with emacs, and, ideally, with emacs and
> org-mode only.
> (I met  difficulties with lazyblorg, for example. I did not succeed to
> understand how it works.)
> Thanks for your help.
> Jo.

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